For one, you almost always get anything you want. As a child, I practically got almost everything that any little girl would desire - pretty dresses, fancy hairclips, Barbie dolls, and all the latest toys featured on Uncle Bob's Lucky Seven Club. (If you're a kid of the 80's I'm sure you know what this is. LOL.)
Another thing, you always get brand-new stuff. I never got hand-me-downs or second-hand anything since there's no one ahead of me.
Also, you get everybody's undivided attention - unless you're born with a twin, that is. And since I don't have one, I once enjoyed being the star of my Mum's household.
I was lucky enough to have a (late) grandfather who used to work abroad. He showered me with all things wonderful, as I was the apple of his eye. And I have a stage lola for a grandmother. She enrolled me in practically all summer workshops available during my time. And made me join all sorts of contests and kiddie pageants to boot. She's Anabelle Rama and Lolit Solis all rolled into one. Haha!
This same privilege that I basked in some xx years back is the same privilege that my son is enjoying right now. Not only is he my Mum's first grandchild, he also happens to be my Grandmum's first great grandchild. Just imagine how pampered and doted upon my little man is in this side of the family.
To give you an idea, here's his Christmas loot. And all that came from just my Mum, my brother, my sister, and my cousins from London.
The only thing that came from his Dad and I is that Cars pillow, which is a last-minute substitute because our real Christmas present got stuck somewhere in the Bureau of Customs. Bah, humbug.
He had too many presents under the Christmas tree that it took us until 3am to open them all. Yes, we have the traditional Noche Buena (midnight dinner) here - glazed ham and all. And this was my most favorite photo of Yue from that night.
That's the reaction you get when a child loves the present he got. |
The little man still has a few more presents on their way, aside from the ones that got stranded. They're from his godparents who never forget to send Yue their love. (I have the most amazing friends, you know.) I have a feeling those presents will elicit the same response from John Cena's number one fan. That's a dead giveaway as to what gifts are coming.
How was your Christmas? I hope you (or your kids) had an eye-widening, jaw-dropping gift-opening moment, too. Cheers to the Holidays!
How was your Christmas? I hope you (or your kids) had an eye-widening, jaw-dropping gift-opening moment, too. Cheers to the Holidays!

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4 replies:
What a lucky boy indeed! Belated Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Hi Tetcha!
How was your Christmas? Hope you had a great time with your family, too.
Cheers to the New Year!
what a blessed little boy! :D happy new year!
Hi Chris!
Happy New Year!
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