1. New Years is a time to reflect on the year that was (the good, the bad, and everything else in between) and to start afresh with the coming year.
2. One of my New Year's resolutions will be err... I don't make resolutions anymore. They mostly end up unfulfilled anyway.
3. A New Year's resolution I've made in the past was to stop smoking. This one I'm pretty successful with. Three years nicotine-free, baby!
4. The most time consuming resolution I ever made was to finish the Iliad and the Odyssey back to back. What on earth was I thinking when I made this resolution?! LOL.
5. This year I will be spending New Year's Eve with my family. Nothing beats New Year's Eve in the Philippines, Pinoy style! (That goes for Christmas, too. )
6. If I could wish one thing for my new year it would be for my husband to finally come home.
7. 2012 is going to be Yue's first year in school! Another chapter in motherhood that I'm so looking forward to!

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