Inside an Insane Mind is happy to award you with the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD :-)
Recipients of this award are asked to:
1.Thank the person that nominated their blog for the award with a backlink to them.
2.List 7 things about themselves.
3.Award 15 newly discovered blogs The Versatile Blogger Award and notify them about it.
Each and every one of you deserve this award and so much more. You openly share pieces of your lives with others. I personally read your blogs on a daily basis.
Warmest thoughts and love,
I was surprised, thrilled, and elated upon seeing this. Knowing that people actually read your blog gives you a sense of accomplishment. Thank you so much, Desarei! I am truly honored.
And now, for the seven things about me.
- I am innately feisty and stubborn, like most Sagittarians are. Married life and motherhood tamed me up a bit. Lol.
- Being one of the boys, I have a huge circle of guy friends. My two best friends are actually guys. And no, my husband does not get jealous of them.
- I'm a jeans and T-shirt girl. And while most women swoon over stilettos, I go crazy over Havaianas and Onitsuka Tigers - which I both have a collection of.
- I've been wearing contact lenses for almost sixteen years. Being near-sighted (myopia of +8.00 diopters) can sure be a burden.
- One of my most prized possessions is 'The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe'. This book, which sparked my passion for writing and literature, belonged to my uncle / godfather. And the book is just as old as I am. (Lol. I am openly admitting that I'm old?! Wutda?!)
- I got into a freak motorcycle accident in 2008 where I sustained an injury just above my left calf. It took seven stitches to close that nasty gash. The accident left me a pretty visible scar as souvenir.
- I used to smoke. A lot. There was even a time when I could finish a pack of ciggies in a day. I stopped smoking in 2008 - the moment I learned I was pregnant with my son. I never held another cancer stick ever since.
I am passing this Versatile Blogger Award to these individuals, whose blogs I love and really take time to read and visit.
Mommy Blogs:
Kathy of My Dishwasher's Possessed
Pam and Kae of Two Loons and a Book
Anne of Green Eggs and Moms
Becky Jane of Rise Above Your Limits
Pepper of The Pepperrific Life
May of Nshima Servings
Beauty Blogs:
Des of Chic & Sassy Homemaker
Marge of Kikay Trekkie
Mae of Loving Sunshine
Fashion Blogs:
Maris of Style Shanghai
Sarah of Ms. Eggplant's Chronicles
Suyen of Because I Love Random Things
Photo Blogs:
Lori of Studio Waterstone
Linda of Gallery Makiej
Kim of My Photography in Focus
Much love to all of you, and happy weekend everyone!

9 replies:
You are most welcome. It was awarded to me and I was more than happy to pass it on to 15 other blogs as asked. It shows people that you care enough to read their blogs. You deserve the award just as everyone on the list does. I will continue to read your blog on a daily basis =)
Warmest thoughts and much love,
THANK YOU :D i am sorry to hear you got into an accident! but im sure that turned you to the stronger woman you are now ! :D see, you even quit smoking!
Thanks Mae!
That accident did make me stronger. I have a fear of blood and anything gory, which is why I didn't become a nurse like my mom. Lol.
I guess the accident was a dry run for even more pain. Kasi the month after that, I got pregnant. Parang tinesting ako kung kakayanin ko manganak ng normal, which I did. :D
Thanks Desarei!
Things like these motivate me to write more and write better - stuff that would all be worthy of your time. :)
Oh, thanks Czjai for including me in your list! I'm flattered! Thank you thank you :)
I'm sorry to hear about that motorcycle incident...
You're welcome, Pepper!
And thanks! :)
'Allergic to idiots. And bad grammar.'
omg! i can super relate hahaha but i write so badly and my dangling modifiers are well hung hahaha.
thank you for this.
and yeah, ano bang old? i actually had a car like that of edu manzano's in the movie palimos ng pag ibig (with vilma and dina yung may carenderia line/dialog)
Beautiful blog and pictures. I'm here from the Exposure 99 link-up. I'm following you now, and I'll be back.
Peace and good,
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