Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold.
It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love.
It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough.
Sharing with Happiness Is, Wednesday Whites, and a lot of Wordless Wednesdays.

14 replies:
first one to comment ay nakakarelate!me!!!!
hang in there mars...keep the spirit burning...Laban!hugs
at npansin ko pala, buti kp mganda kapag nkikipag-Skype, samantalang ako mukhang yaya ni Ceana bara-bara nlng itsura, hays...
Sometimes, I just wanna dodge people's questions when it comes to LDR. I mean,if it works for me, I don't have to justify it. Anyway, I just wanna say, you're not alone in this. :)
Keep your chin up! It's so good that we have the internet now a days to communicate so much faster then people used to be able to.
I'm going to follow you on linky.
Distance can be tough.
Hope you will be together soon. Thanks for linking up at Royalegacy
distance can be really tough. I have been there done that...so I am sending you my best wishes. Hope that you will be together again soon :)
Good luck to you!
Have a great Wednesday!
Laking tulong din talaga ng internet especially if we have loved oned working / living abroad...
So relate here, my husband and I has been apart for so long now sigh and the internet communication is our happiness visiting from happiness mine is here thanks My Little Home
awww! true love never fails Sis despite the distance. Seeing the face you dearly miss makes your heart so happy :-) Visiting from Happiness Is...hope that you can return your happy visit too.
I can relate, I am also in a LDR, visiting for Happiness is, I hope to you can pay me a visit at
see yeah!
I once weathered a long distance relationship, and thankful to have succeeded it :) It's unimaginable what happiness Skype (or video chat per se) could bring to long distance lovers ♥
Thanks for being a Happiness Is regular ^^ See you there again for another round of happy posts, Ms. Rebel Sweetheart! :)
visiting for my other entry of happiness is, see you at
please do leave some love..
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