I wasn't sure what I was expecting out of this, either. I mean, I have the greatest friends in the world and I surround myself with amazing and inspiring people - be it in the real world or in the online community. But the cynic and paranoid android in me worried that things might not turn out the way I wanted. After all, you can't please everybody.
With the contest deadline looming, I checked my Facebook post only to find around 25 'likes' but zero comments. I was flabbergasted, and a bit disheartened. "Whatever happened to my friends?! My best friend, even???", I wondered. I was ready to cry at this point, when all of a sudden, one of my longtime friends AND my son's godmother asked where she should post her comment. With a glimmer of hope (lol), I asked her to just leave a comment on the photo as I will collaborate all the comments into one blog entry.
Just then, the comments swarmed one by one. From my grade school friends, high school clique, college batchmates, fellow Kpop fangirls, fellow bloggers, and the most astounding of all - from the Directress of my son's school. (Yes, she reads my blog! I am truly, truly humbled!)
Kuni, my brother from another mother (lol, we're that close since we practically grew up together), cracked me up with his comment:
Haha, ok I didn't read the instructions (if this was an exam, I've already flunked!). 3 sentences hmm... Hardworking, of course! Anybody who has tried taking care of an active little kid will know why. Smart and savvy. Been her friend since high school, trust me, you can't put one over this girl! Strong-willed. Being apart from one's spouse for so long is difficult enough, the fact that they're in love makes it even more so. Goodluck Sis!
Abegail, a former classmate and fellow UP alumni, made me blush with what she said:
this mummy deserves this award cos she is an epitome of a strong woman not to mention, hawt. move over, victoria beckham. your glory days are over.:)
So did Katrina, also a former classmate now a fellow yummy mommy, too!
this mommy blogger deserves this award because her blog is amazing! its informative, refreshingly witty and entertaining. a great resource for stay-at-home moms and all moms alike!
My favorite girls Karla, Sylvia, and Eunice (comments in that order), whom I've all been friends with since high school made me teary-eyed:
She's the epitome of a yummy mummy cos she stays pretty and fab while raising a fine young boy. She does everything with spunk and if you haven't yet, checkher daily blog which chronicles her awesome journey.
She's the only mummy I know who does the laundry/dishes and all other household work in full make-up! Yeah, she's fabulous like that. But beyond all that, she's a hardworking mummy who only wants the best for her family and loves her friends dearly. Truly a yummy mummy! ;)
This Mummy deserves a Yummy Mummy Award because despite all the hassles and difficulties she's facing each day as a mother, she still manages to do it all and more with class and elegance only a few women can accomplish. She puts her family first and everything she dreams and tries to achieve is for them. Anyone who personally knows this girl will certainly be amazed by her charm and intelligence. Proud of you friend :)
Talented photographer, poet, essayist, and national artist in the making Jaypee even had smileys all over his comment.
Czjai Reyes-Ocampo is a yummy mummy because her looks and charisma are definitely yummy. ^_^ She has a kind heart that endears us to her. Indeed, this well-loved mummy is a yummy mummy! ^_^
Ms. Elaine, who is on the list of my inspirational people, gave me quite a surprise with what she had to say.
Aside from looking so glamorous while doing dishes/laundry which amazes me so,her positive outlook in life radiates so strong and she doesn't even know she inspires others including me! You might think she just focuses her time on herself but then, her neat house, delectable dishes on table, clean ,fragrant clothes in the clothesline, a happy husband ,a handsome and smart boy Yue- she does these all while looking glamorous! And yes, she's still at her best in her blooming writing career while endlessly nurturing meaningful friendships. It would only take one super yummy mommy to do all of those. :-)
Even my online buddies and fellow mommy bloggers Giselle and Bernadette (whom I haven't even met personally) pitched in.
I believe this mommy deserves this award because she balances her role as a wife and mom while working her way towards her goals perfectly. She accepts her limitations but recognizes her capabilities as well. I would say she's a tough cookie to be living on her own with a kid in tow but still she manages to be her own self. Goodluck! I hope you win :)
Czjai is a yummy mummy because she can do all parenting duties while still looking fab. She's a multi'tasking momma too! She blogs, she takes care of Yue, she does the grocery, she washes the clothes, she cleans the house and she cooks. She does all these without a househelp. Yes, she's my friend Czjai, a superwoman!
There was also Smiley - we're sisters from the same college organization, and now we're also sisters in blogging and in the voiceBoks community!
A yummy mommy is one who's generous of her wealth of motherhood and general knowledge. Such is CZjai! Thanks for all the tips!
Even Liz, whom I met through my Super Junior/Kpop addiction, took the time to comment even if she's still recuperating from an illness and has limited time on Facebook, let alone online.
Yummy mummy because she maintain being herself and a mom that always wants the best for her son and husband.
Now one of the biggest surprises came from Ms. Miles, the School Director of The Learner's Academy (aka Yue's school).
A yummy mummy maintains a good balance between self and being a mummy (however one defines the "good"). From her FB name alone, one finds that Ms. Reyes-Ocampo keeps her own in her hyphenated last name. Her lightness attests to her being able to keep her own as well.
The other came from my husband, who has never - in the nine years that we've been together - given me a handwritten loveletter. He says writing on paper can be bothersome and he does it better when using a keyboard, lol.
She's my Lara Croft, sans the long hair. Spunk, sass, smarts, and the don't-mess-with-me attitude. But she's also the sweetest, most supportive, and most frivolous wife any husband can ever have. We had to go through hell and high water to be where we are today, but if you'd ask me if I'd go through the same troubles just to marry her, I will. In a heartbeat.
To say that I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. There are no words to describe how these kind words made me feel. I was brimming with pride and happiness and truly humbled all at the same time. Never did I use the word 'good' to describe me as a person (because all human beings are erratic by nature, anyway), but seeing all these makes me think I'm not so bad after all. :)
You can view the complete thread here, and if you were to ask my three-year old what he thinks of his Mommy, he'd tell you 'She's the most beautiful mommy, and she cooks really good. She even plays football and basketball with me, too!'
But I suppose I'm not alone in that department. All moms are 'most beautiful' in the eyes of their children. They're also amazing - with all the things a mom can do for her children, for her husband, for her family. To think she's only human, has one human body, and only two human hands. :)

6 replies:
Hey! Told you this before, when I have kids I want to be an awesome mummy like you! Im laughing right now cos I didn't understand the intructions either! I thought, hit like and thats it. Happy weekend!
SUPER answers
Don't you feel like a WINNER ALREADY!!!
Love the answer...glad you cook good!
Great post. I'll bet you're still blushing!
I completely 100% understand the trepidation of entering this contest for the SAME reasons, lol. Glad you had such a fantastic outcome.
And, btw- do you REALLY do the housework in all your makeup? I'm uber impressed right here.
Good luck!
Aww... thank you so much, everyone!
And yes, most of the time I do the housework with makeup on. Haha! :)
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