

Wordless Wednesday #31 | Moving Up!

School is officially over as the little man's Moving Up Ceremony was held last Saturday, March 23, at The Coco Palace Hotel.
Waiting for his turn.
Ten months in Kindergarten sure went by so fast.
Receiving his awards.
That angelic face. :)
Receiving his Kindergarten diploma.
Take a bow, baby!
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Teacher Love, his Kindergarten teacher, for taking good care of my son and for turning him into a refined little man. (On good days, at least. Lol.)
Thank you, Teacher Love!
Though we won't be seeing each other again next school year (the little man will be transferring to my Alma Mater, St. Joseph School), Yue will always have fond memories of you. After all, you are his first school teacher. One never forgets his (or her) first teacher. Never ever. We will surely miss you!


  1. Congratulations are in order for graduating Kindergarten! Hooray!

  2. It is so hard as a parent to watch your baby grow up, it is for me anyways. Congratulations to your son for moving on up. :)

  3. Times fly.. Next thing you know he is already preparing for college :) He is lucky to have a great teacher.

  4. Congratulations to your son on his Moving Up Ceremony. I'm sure it was a proud moment for you. Good luck on his future studies.

  5. congratualtions!! the boy looks so happy! prng familiar yung coco palace hehe

  6. He looks like you I think. Do you get that a lot?

  7. Congratulations! Enjoy your young first grader!!!

  8. Oh my word, he is so sweet, and done kindergarten already. I remember when you were posting about treats for his lunches as you were getting ready to send him off. Wow time flies. Congrats Yue!

  9. You must be really proud...I can already see our future leader. :) I will be sending my little one to pre-K next year too and I don't even know what to expect! Congratulations to Yue!

  10. it's a joy for every parents to see their kids achieving on something. congratulations .


A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

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