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Foodie Goodie | Grilled Cheese and Pepperoni.

It's a sunny Friday morning here in the Philippines, and the little man and I just had breakfast. We had Grilled Cheese and Pepperoni this morning, a dish I learned not too long ago from Spoonful. I'm sharing the recipe with you, in case you run out of breakfast ideas and would like to try something other than your usual morning meal.

Grilled Cheese and Pepperoni

12 slices white or wheat sandwich bread
6 slices cheddar cheese
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 (5 ounce) package Hormel® Pepperoni Minis

1. Divide pepperoni evenly among 6 slices bread; top each with a slice of cheese. Top with remaining 6 slices bread.
2. Heat large griddle over medium-high heat (375ºF.).
3. Meanwhile, spread top of each sandwich with butter.
4. Place sandwiches butter-side-down on hot griddle. Spread butter on top of each sandwich. Reduce heat to medium (300ºF.).
5. Brown bottom of sandwiches 2 to 3 minutes; turn sandwiches to brown other side until cheese is melted. 6. Cut each sandwich into 4 triangles.

Pretty easy, huh? It'll only take you about 15 minutes or so to prepare this simple yet satisfying treat. :)

Shared with Food Trip Friday and Food Friday.

18 replies:

Unknown said...

this is an easy snack to make--and yummy, too!

Eunice said...

This is perfect for me who doesn't know much about cooking! =p Such a luscious idea for a quick breakfast or office baon. :)

Franc said...

Looks like the perfect breakfast. Must try this.

Pepper said...

My daughter loves it when I make her grilled cheese sandwiches. I must add pepperroni sometime. That'll surprise her :)

Anonymous said...

Perfect breakfast! Easy to make and yummy too!

♥ Willa @ Postage Journal♥ said...

Grilled Cheese sandwich is my boys favorite,either for breakfast or snack.
Happy Weekend and Thanks for joining!!!

Animetric said...

I'm going to try this at home, seems so yummy... XD said...

reason why i love grilled cheese sandwich: easy to make and inexpensive ingredients!!!

Dominique Goh said...

It looks so easy to make and I 'm sure it's yummy too!!

Unknown said...

perfect, i have all the necessary ingredients here. thanks for sharing!

April said...

I've never had a grilled cheese and pepperoni! I need to try it.

CrazyNutsMom said...

It's an outside in pizza or poor man's calzone (so to speak!).

This is something I think my son would love and my daughter said no when I asked her about it.

Unknown said...

i miss this! will do this for breakfast soon :)

Roz K. Walker said...

This looks like a very easy recipe and kids are sure to enjoy all the gooey cheese. Thanks for sharing it!

Christy G said...

These sound yummy! I will have to try this recipe for my kids, I bet they will love it. Might even add some pizza sauce too.

lencilicious said...

I love this kind of breakfast. Pretty easy to prepare and still delicious.
- Lencilicious @ Luto Ni Nanay

The Minister's Wife said...

I've never tried a grilled cheese with pepperoni, but it sounds like a great idea! My guys love pepperoni and I think this would be a hit with them!

maiylah said...

fun and easy! delicious too, am sure!

appreciate much your taking the time to share and link over at Food Friday, Czjai
enjoy the rest of the week!