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Wordless Wednesday #71 | My Funny Valentine.

15 replies:

Rhonda Albom said...

Happy Valentines day to you!

stevebethere said...

What a fab smile heheh!

Anonymous said...

He looks lovely!!
Early but Happy Valentines day to you!!!
Have an awesome week!

An Apel a Day said...

He looks like the best valentine any mom could ask for.

Unknown said...

Adorable photo! I haven't put up a Fitness Friday post yet, but I need to.

Anonymous said...

Such a cute little boy. Love his smile.

Michelle F.

Natasha said...

How handsome! :)

ReviewsSheRote said...

what a sweet face =D

mail4rosey said...

He's a cute Valentine too. ;)

Unknown said...

His a Cupid now and soon a Heartbreaker - j/k
seriously that smile is perfect for your valentines day. Happy Valentine's Day to All

Cascia Talbert said...

He is adorable! Enjoy your Wednesday!

mystylespot said...

Thanks for the linky! love the pic!

Anonymous said...

Cute kiddo. Happy Valentine Day!

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

such a heratbreaker...sooo cute..happy valentine's for you..

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

truly a heartbreaker-wanna-be....happy valentine...cheers from Indonesia..