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Wordless Wednesday #73 | Viber Fun!

Little man now has his own Viber account, and he's having fun sending messages to his Dad.
Here's his message to his Dad the other day. Doodled on Viber. :)

11 replies:

Rhonda Albom said...

I have a viber account, but I didn't know I could write cool messages like that. Very cool. Happy Wordless Wednesday.

stevebethere said...

Haha! cute ;-)

kewkew said...

Never heard of Viber, but I think it is so cool that he is sending messages to his dad. So sweet.

Anonymous said...

Love when they come up with these sweet messages. (asuming he wrote this for you)...
Have a lovely day!

Unknown said...

Awww that is sweet!

An Apel a Day said...

It's looks like fun! I want to play.

Hezzi-D said...

What a sweet message! Great photo!

MikiHope said...

First I am hearing about Viber accounts. But then I don't have an IPad or smart phone-all I have is a desk top and one of the simplest cell phones around. It is really great that your son can keep in touch with his Dad via the Viber account.

ReviewsSheRote said...

I've never herd of viber...but I think that message is SUPER SWEET!!!

Lame Shrill Owl said...

Thanks for the link up. I did just that.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie. I will have to check that out.

Michelle F.