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Hong Kong Holiday | The Lucky Nugget.

Deep inside the Grizzly Gulch - the western-themed attraction in Hong Kong Disneyland - lies the quaint and quirky saloon called The Lucky Nugget.

The Lucky Nugget.
It's a quick service restaurant that serves snacks and refreshments.
You can choose to seat inside the saloon, or enjoy the outdoors on these picnic tables.
Their menu includes crispy battered fish fillets, shrimp and chips, salads, and the mango panna cotta that we all know and love.
The menu.
Prices start at HK$22 (Php 126) for their ala carte french fries, with the HK$70 shrimp and chips combo (Php 401) being the priciest item on their menu. Combo meals include a bottle of cola - your choice between regular Coke, Coke Zero, and Sprite.
Shrimp or chicken? You choose. :)
Cute character salad.
Mango Panna Cotta. And fruits, too!
We stopped by for a quick snack, and to give our bodies a few minutes of rest from all that walking around and taking pictures.
Photo op at The Old Jail.
The majestic geysers of Grizzly Gulch.
We all had Chicken Nuggets and Chips, one combo meal each.
Chicken Nuggets and Chips.
The food may look very simple, but they're incredibly tasty, especially when dipped in sauce. The batter is light and crisp, and the fries have very little grease.

Now the best part of our Grizzly Gulch stopover? We bumped into Mickey and Minnie while on our way to Main Street! We were actually the first in line for the photo op! :)
Yee-haw, it's Mickey and Minnie! :)
The Lucky Nugget
Grizzly Gulch, Disneyland Resort
Lantau Island, Hong Kong
+852 2162 5010

Shared with Food Friday and Food Trip Friday.

14 replies:

Leelo said...

Looks like a cool place to visit with kids. said...

I think this is a new attraction in HK Disneyland. Last time I went there they still don't have this... Looks like the little man really enjoyed your trip!

Lei said...

Will definitely visit this place with my daughter..I know she will love this place.

Unknown said...

You had a great vacation there and those foods are mouthwatering and I like the character salad.

The Phenomenal Mama said...

It's been a while since i took the kids to Hong KOng. It looks like you had so much fun!

Sumi Go said...

This looks so cool! I actually haven't been to Disneyland HK yet. But when I visit, I'd definitely check out the Lucky Nugget too! :D

Yette said...

Your son is too cute. Looks like he really enjoyed the trip! & the place sounds interesting. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh how thrilling it must've been to bump into Mickey and Minnie!

The pics you posted of the food look like fun eats and the prices look affordable. Your description of the nuggets and chips made me want some! Sigh, someday. :)

The Mommy Roves said...

Ive been to disney but not inside that resto!! hehe cute! im sure your little boy had so much fun!! :D

ReviewsSheRote said...

Oh I love the character salads! And what a great shot with Mickey and Minnie! It's about time our family got back to Disney! =D

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great place to visit. All of the food looks amazing!

Michelle F>

Debi Gerhart said...

Oh that is cool. I bet my kids would love it.

Lexie Lane said...

Those snacks look really good. What a cute place! I'd love to go to this!

maiylah said...

yummmy! it all looks delicious! love the last picture :)

thanks much for sharing and linking over at Food Friday, sis
enjoy the rest of the week!