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Wordless Wednesday #82 | Snippets from Sunday.

A surprise from my little man!
It comes with a sweet, sweet note!
And here's a photo of us while waiting to be seated at the pizza parlor. :)

18 replies:

Rhonda Albom said...

So sweet. happy mother's day :)

Karren Haller said...

What sweet messages!!

stevebethere said...

Aww! so cute heheh! hope you had a great Mother's Day ;-)

Cascia Talbert said...

How sweet! It looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Danielle S said...

You tell him that I said that his card is one of the sweetest nicest cards that I have ever seen.

Ai Sakura said...

Such a sweetheart!

An Apel a Day said...

That's so great! He's a charmer.

Anonymous said...

That is so so sweet, it's lovely when they do things like this for us.
He is awesome and I'm sure you are very proud of him.

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Mummy Day =) #WW

mail4rosey said...

The pictures are sweet. :)

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day. This is so sweet. I love homemade cards!

Anonymous said...

What a cute boy and what a cute card!

Michelle F>

Unknown said... how cute is that?

MikiHope said...

Your son has such a happy smile! I am sure you had a wonderful Mother's day with him at the Pizza Place.

Maria said...

Looks like you had an excellent mother's day!! He is adorable!

Debi Gerhart said...

So sweet. Happy (late) Mother's Day

Woman Tribune said...

Aww, adorable pictures! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Lexie Lane said...

He is a cutie! You know, the day my son writes me one of those, I think, I will cry. :)