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Adobo Cup and the World Cup | For the love of football.

I have not been getting much sleep lately, thanks to the World Cup. It's either I sleep really, really late just so I can finish the 12 am match, or wake up really, really early so I can catch the first half of the 4 am match. Can you imagine what I have to go through for an entire month every four years? If you're a fan of the sport, I'm pretty sure you can empathize with me.

And as if the action and excitement in Brazil is not enough, here comes the Adobo Cup - a 5-side football tournament organized by Adobo Magazine. Now on its seventh year, this event brings together personalities from the advertising, media, and production industries.
Action at the Adobo Cup.
The 2014 Adobo Cup will take place at the Gatorade-Chelsea FC Blue Pitch at Circuit Makati on June 28, 2014.

Globe Telecom supports this year’s tourney as part of the company’s CSR program “Football Para Sa Bayan,” a grassroots campaign which advocates football as a tool to transform the lives of underprivileged children through by encouraging athletic excellence and providing educational opportunities.

Since its launch in 2013, the program has catered to more than 6,000 children around the country. By including the Adobo Cup in its efforts, Globe hopes to create strong awareness of the program’s cause, particularly among advertising specialists and those within the private sector.

At the helm of Globe’s Football Para Sa Bayan campaign is Chieffy Caligdong, Green Archers United left winger and vice-captain of the Philippine Azkals. Here is a video of Chieffy coming home and giving back to his hometown Iloilo.

In addition, Globe is also donating football training equipment to FutKal FC, the beneficiary of the Adobo Cup. FutKal is a non-profit organization that promotes football in the Philippines at the grassroots level. This year’s proceeds will go to FutKal’s Field of Hope initiative to help rebuild the lives of Typhoon Haiyan survivors.

10 replies:

Anonymous said...

That seems like such an awesome cause. I love that they are donating equipment.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

I have not watched the world cup. I don't understand the soccer. I love that many people are engaged in the same activity, though.

Kero said...

and here I am taking advantage of World Cup fever by shopping late at nights, the malls are deserted.

I will catch the ball fever next week. just happy reading all the satire stems from it =)

Mhisha Cuyson said...

I haven't watch a single soccer match; I know nothing about that sport. But it is still good to hear that those players do enjoy what they're doing. :)

Kath Rivera said...

I'm not a fan of football :( Argentina and Brazil lang ang alam ko na team na magaling sa World Cup. I like Globe's initiative to really change the life of Filipino children like those na nasa poor community.

Scott said...

It's funny how soccer (football for the rest of you) can bring countries together. Go USA!

Debi Gerhart said...

That is a great cause. I love that they are donating the equipment.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

As an American we are more in to our football than soccer. I listened and cleaned the house while my husband watched the Americans (lose) this weekend.

Unknown said...

That is awesome.. it is for such a great cause!! I like the world cup and watch it whenever i catch it.

Lexie Lane said...

Adobo cup! That's fantastic! lol! Love the name! I do like what this is all about, especially as it's for the children.