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Wordless Wednesday #124 | More Coffee, Please.

11 replies:

Unknown said...

Girl...Amen. No coffee? No workie ;)

debdenny said...

So So True. Fact of life.

Christy G said...

It has been a while since I had a good cup of coffee. I don't drink it on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

I don't always drink coffee but I did have a cup this morning. I guess that is why I had the energy to do tons of cleaning today.

Michelle F.

Simple Mama At Home said...

I love my coffee! With two toddlers running around it may not stay hot long enough for me to enjoy but I still finish it anyway :)

Unknown said...

LOL, true story... :)

Stefani @ said...

There are days when I definitely need that cup of coffee too! Fun post. :)

Erin S said...

I can't function without my coffee either!

mail4rosey said...

Coffee has been jumpstarting amazing for years. :)

Lexie Lane said...

Ha! Ha! I can relate!

Katrina Kroeplin said...

i have to have coffee or some type of caffeine in the morning.