

The Art of Choosing the Right Movie.

It happens to the best of us. Bored at the movie theater, yawning incessantly, sometimes wanting for the movie to end as soon as possible. There are many reasons why we could have been in such situations; more often than not it is because our companion - be it your date or your friends - persuade us to watch it. Once, I have even pulled out my phone during the movie to play online bingo. Sneakily of course.

In choosing the right movie, there are certain things you need to keep in mind. Going to watch a certain movie without knowing anything about it can probably ruin the whole experience, as it can be too much of a surprise.
Photo credit: Tesco Living.
By doing a bit of research on what the movie is about, you can get a better picture of whether you will like it or not. Include online movie rating sites such as IMDb (Internet Movie Database) into your research and check for their ratings as it is among the best known sites for movie reviews. Similar to IMDb, there are many online review sites that can give you a good insight. The internet is the best source for all the information that you may need regarding any movie. Basing your decision entirely on how a trailer looks like will only give you half the picture. The movie might end up being completely different.

If you are going to watch a movie with your significant other, you need to bear in mind his/ her interests as well. Otherwise, he/she would get bored easily and that can ruin the whole experience for you, too. You could check beforehand which genre he/she likes most and pick out a movie of the same category, or could even take into consideration their favorite actors, directors, or producers.

The next step is choosing a theater and the time to go. If there is a place that you regularly go to, then go at a time that you know has a lesser number of people. Also take into consideration know the audio and video quality of the cinema you are going to. For movies with really good visual effects, these are certainly worth watching in a huge screen with 3D glasses on while enjoying a bucket of buttered pop corn.


  1. Yeah, probably check out also on the genre of the film if it appeals...esp don't like horror films xD

    Celly | Asian Beauty and Makeup Blog

  2. I really don;t like going to the movies. It has to be something I REALLY want to see for me to go.

  3. We don't go to the theaters very much anymore. It's just too expensive for our whole family. We watch a lot of movies at home between Netflix, Redbox, and VOD!

  4. I like to choose my theater based on their seating. There is one that has stadium seating with rocking chairs, and it's way cozier!

  5. I usually look at the previews before deciding on a movie. I haven't been to the movies in a long time. We usually just watch them at home now.

  6. I have to say, I don't go to the movies very often since I'm pretty picky! Thanks for sharing this helpful article.

  7. Great ideas! I usually only go to the movies if I think it is going to be a really good one. I have sat through plenty of really boring movies at home for my husband and kids though:-)

  8. Great ideas! I usually only go to the movies if I think it is going to be a really good one. I have sat through plenty of really boring movies at home for my husband and kids though:-)

  9. Great ideas! I usually only go to the movies if I think it is going to be a really good one. I have sat through plenty of really boring movies at home for my husband and kids though:-)

  10. thanks for reminding meee :)..I'm so used to coming to the cinema not knowing what to watch or buying DVDs without doing enough research :)

  11. Actually I don't like to go to theaters. I think that is very expensive and waste of time as well. We have Netflix in our home & we love watching movies in our home. Only in case of 3D movies, we prefer a good theater.

  12. These are great tips for having a great movie experience indeed. If we go to the movies we always check out the previews etc on line. It is truly important to do so before spending the money. Thanks for sharing.


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~ Friedrich Nietzsche

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