

My Grandma is on Facebook!

Yes, my 79-year-old grandmother is on Facebook. And she's killing it.
She likes browsing through her friends' profiles - most of which are her former students (she was an elementary school teacher), she posts quotes as her status updates - and on a daily basis at that, she likes sharing graphics and memes on our walls, and she likes commenting on our photos. She loves Facebook so much, she'd be up at 3 in the morning composing her status update for the day!
My son and my grandmom love taking selfies!
These days, she's into posting old photos even when it's not even Thursday. You know, Throwback Thursday - the weekly social media posting trend where you upload photos of yourself from a different era. She rummaged through more than a dozen old albums, took photos of old photos (Polaroids included), and went on an uploading frenzy.

But wait, there's more! She even tagged people in her photos - much to the chagrin of my Mum, my Aunt, and my Uncles. I can just imagine my Mum's horror when she saw photos of her sixteen-year-old self wearing 70s disco costumes now posted on social media for all the world to see. Haha!

Well, I know the feeling because she also posted an old photo of me sporting bangs and butterfly clips and wearing bike shorts at that. OMG, '90s fashion. I just had to unsee that photo! If only I could go through her Facebook account and take that picture down, lol!

Is your grandmother on Facebook, too? I hope she's enjoying social media as much as my grandmother does. :)


  1. That is awesome that your grandma is on facebook! I thought it was bad enough my mom was on it. However, your grandma seems to have it figured out more then my mom does!

  2. My grandmother is no longer with me but it would be hard to imagine her on Facebook!

  3. Oh man. If my grandma ever gets on Facebook, I'm looking at some serious ridicule from the pictures she posts.

  4. Congratulations to your grandmother. I remember when my grandma used a computer for a few weeks. She had a tough time with it.

  5. Just awesome. Its great to know that your grandma is on Facebook! It sounds fun and I am sure she loves to be active in social media. My grandma don't know much about computers, but she is very much loving and caring and I really love her.


A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

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